Фет CATV Усилитель
Sharp Vision AS 2222, AS 3333 and AS 4444 FET Amplifiers are used as Line Extender or Branch Amplifier depending on Cable System`s requirements.These FET Amplifiers incorporate the recent innovation o
CATV гибридный усилитель
Sharp Vision AS 1111, AS 9191 and AS 8181 are hybrid amplifiers used in branch lines specially designed to serve the needs of cable systems of South East Asian Countries. They incorporate Good Quality
CATV Power Supply
CATV Power Supply-Deluxe Models10 Amps along with 4 Power Insertors6 Amps along with 2 Power Insertors4 Amps along with 1 Power InsertorSharp Vision CATV Power Supply is specially designed to give ful
Источник Источник ловушки и фильтры
Channel TrapSharp Vision Channel Trap is used for removal of unwanted channels from the cable line, so as to add your own channels.Models to choose CH2, CH2 & 3, Band-I or As per your requirement of c
Fiber Optic Node
Sharp Vision offers unique Optic Nodes for converting even weak optical signals from transmitter to a high quality RF signal.There are many models of Optical Nodes to cater to various network designs.
Ку блюдо и Конверторы Спутниковое ТВ
Ku DISH ANTENNAAvailable in All SizesAll Parts Powder CoatedHigh GainFreq. : 10. 7 TO 12. 75ghzTripod MountWeather ProofOffset FocusModel: 901Size: 90cm (Round)Gain: 38dBModel: 701Size: 70cm (Elliptic
Low Noise Предварительный усилитель
Sharp Vision Low Noise Pre Amplifier AS 1520 is designed for control rooms having more than fifty channels to compensate the losses due to more than one combiner in series.Features:Low Noise Pre Ampli
Микро-контроллер Модулятор
Sharp Vision SVM 6000 Modulators-The ultimate in Modulator Technology-Incorporates Micro Controllers along with SAW Filter, PLL and MMIC. The Micro Controller Technology does the intelligent job of ac
Мини спектра
Sharp Vision Mini Spectrum AS 960 is an instrument to provide total analysis of your cable TV network. As 960 is a necessity which not only indicates trouble shooting of Cable TV System but also helps