Индикатор напряжения Аккумуляторы тестер
Car battery testerModel no. Cv-6pVoltage range 5v / 12v / 12. 5v / 13. 5v / 14. 0v / 15. 0vIndication LED lights up to the voltage readingVoltage tester cv-3Voltage range 6v / 12v / 24v / 50v / 120v /
Цифровой мультиметр с Dt992e True RMS
Please visit our website to understand more details.Dt992eAuto. Range digital multimeter 6000 digit display with true rmsBasic functions descriptionDcv 0~1000v + / -0. 8% + / -2Acv 0~700v + / -1. 2% +
Инфракрасный термометр Новые модели
Model Temperature range Product information D: SDT8280 -20C to 380C (-4F to 716F) Product size:165 x 90 x 40mmWeight: 160g (including battery) 8: 1DT8380 -20C to 380C (-4F to 716F)DT8530 -20C to 530C
Инфракрасный термометр Новая серия
Model Temperature range Product information D: SDT8280 -20C to 380C (-4F to 716F) Product size:165 x 90 x 40mmWeight: 160g (including battery) 8: 1DT8380 -20C to 380C (-4F to 716F)DT8530 -20C to 530C
Новый инфракрасный термометр Dt8380
Dt8380Unique flat surface, mini modern housing designBacklighting illuminates display for taking measurements at night or in areas with low background light levelsOverrange indicationAuto data hold wh
Бесконтактные Digital Photo / Лазерный тахометр
Please visit our website to understand more details.2235Basic functions descriptionRange 2. 5 ~ 99, 999 rpm0. 2 ~ 19, 999 rpmResolution 1rpm (2. 5 ~ 999. 9 rpm)1 rpm (above 1000rpm)Linear speed + / -0
Температура гигрометр с часами HTC
HTC-1Basic functions descriptionTemperature range -50 ~ 70c (-58 ~ 158f)Accuracy / -1c or / -1. 8fHumidity range 10% ~ 99% rhAccuracy / -5% rhResolution 0. 1c / 1% rhStore condition -20c ~ 60c, 20% ~
Токовые клещи 600 / 1000 / 2000a
Please visit our website to understand more details.802Basic functions descriptionDcv 0 ~ 1000v / -0. 8% / -2Acv 0 ~ 700v / -1. 2% / -5Dca 0 ~ 100ma / -2% / -3Aca 0 ~ 100ma / -1% / -34 / 40 / 400 / 10
Конкурентная 600v / токовые клещи 600A серии Bm85
Please visit our website to understand more details.851Basic functions descriptionDcv 20v + / -0. 8% + / -2600v + / -1% + / -3Acv 0 ~ 600v + / -1. 5% + / -5Aca 2 / 20 / 200 / 600a + / -1. 9% + / -5Res