Информация о производителе
COMPLETE DIESEL ENGINE MANUFACTURING FACILITYCapable of producing Engines of 2. 3, 2. 7, 3. 0, 4. 0 & 6. 0 litresDue to the closure of a major Japanese automobile manufacturers European PlantAssets for sale:- CRANKSHAFTS LINE (1992 / 1995) :BOEHRINGER CNC Turning Machine, BOEHRINGER CNC Milling Machine, NAGEL CNC Honing Machine, Heat Treatment, SAIMP CNC Grinding Machine, HOFMANN CNC Balancing Machine, MARPOSS CNC Test Machine.- ENGINE & HEAD BLOCKS LINE for LD 23, TD 27 & BD 30 DIESEL ENGINES:Double Surface Milling Machine, NAGEL CNC Linear Pre-drilling Machine, CROSS CNC Linear Drilling Machine, SORALUCE CNC Chamfering Machine, NTC CNC Rotary Transfer Machine, Dry and Cleaning Machines, Measuring and Storing Machines.- ENGINE AND HEAD BLOCKS, FOR BD 40 & BD 60 DIESEL ENGINES:Double Surface Milling Machine, NAGEL Linear Pre-drilling Machine, DANOBAT Linear Drilling Line, SORALUCE Chamfering Machine, ACME Rotary Transfer Machine, Dry and Cleaning, Measuring and Storing- CAMSHAFT SUPPORT (FRONT) AND CAMSHAFT SUPPORT (INTERMEDIATE & BACK) LINE- GUSSET AND PUMP SUPPORT LINE- CASE-TIMING CHAINS LINE- FLY WHEEL HOUSING LINE- CONNECTION ROD LINE- BEARING CAPS LINE- TEST AREA: ROTARY ENGINES FIRING TEST LINE AND BENCH TYPE TEST ROOMS- ENGINE ASSEMBLY LINES- SUB-ASSEMBLY LINES- PLANT AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT.All drawings / plans, manuals and documentation together with all ancillary & supporting facilities available on siteInspection: By appointment only
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