We sell Cumaru yellow non oily (Shihuahuaco) AD, Rough Grade AProduced: 23x 140 x 950mmInvoiced: 19x130 x 900mm100% 900mmQuality: Grade A / One face and two upper sides free of any defects, no pinhole
We sell balsamo yellow with smell (Estoraque) AD, Rough Grade AProduced: 23x 80 x 950 / 860 / 760 / 660mmInvoiced: 20x 75 x 900 / 800 / 700 / 600 mmQuality: Grade A / One face and two upper sides free
We sell Cumaru yellow non oily (Shihuahuaco) KD, S4S, Rough Grade AInvoiced: 19x130 x 900 / 750 / 600mm70% % 900mmQuality: Grade A / One face and two upper sides free of any defects, no pinhole, no cu