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 Sociétés/ Société : Tai Sang Enterprise Limited
 Détails sur la société   
 Société :     Tai Sang Enterprise Limited
 Adresse :     103, Guan An Xin Cun. , Chine
 Téléphone :    +86-575-87032702
 Certificats :        
 Web-adresse :     http://www.tsemac.com
 A propos de la société :

Tai Sang Enterprise Limited

Tai Sang Enterprise Limited is a Hong Kong Registered company into the business of embroidery machines from 2006, with  its manufacturing facility in China synthesizing latest technology developed by the company in China, with marketing base at Hong Kong, organized by an Indian enterprising qualified professional.


TAI SANG EMBRO™ has the distinction of being a non-Chinese company, with a manufacturing base in China that has been able to develop its own brand which is recognized by the best of the people from this Industry. Beijing Xing Dahao, suppliers of the computer systems for almost 85% of the machines manufactured in China, have already appreciated as the best trusted manufacturers of China. Another world leader, Nanoteck / Sumac, world’s best value addition device developers and suppliers are also working with us from last 3 years and we are one of their OEM suppliers from China.

 Catégories de la société : Tai Sang Enterprise Limited
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