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Name:   Lab Supplies »

Company:  Itchoudnar Trading 

Description:  <br/><br class="space"/>In Very Good condition<br>Hitachi Model 704 automated chemistry analyzer (Boehringer Mannheim)<br>Ready to use 24 hours / day<br>User friendly keyboard and CRT<br>100 tests / HR. Throughput<br>3-20 microliter size samples<br>Refrigerated storage for 40 reagent containers<br>Endpoint, kinetic, and isoenzyme chemistries<br>4 parameter logit data reduction for non-linear<br>Automatic sample blanking<br>QC capabilities for 6 control levels<br>Auto evaluation of within run control results<br>May be interfaced with host computer<br>Results stored on floppy disk<br>Automatic maintenance functions<br>

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