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 Bluetooth Dongle S-BT-160 USD4.85 For Version 1.2, And USD5.81 For Version (Bluetooth Dongle S-BT 60 USD4.85 Для версии 1.2 и USD5.81 Для версии)

Description:  Description:
Bluetooth USB adapter is a quick and inexpensive solution as a bluetooth plug-on-modules to computers. It enables computers to cmmunicate with any bluetooth peripherals(such as computers, PDAS, mobile phone, printers)wirelessly.

Operation range:0-100m(bluetooth class 2)
Built-in antenna
Frequency band:2.4ghz unlicensed ISM band
Maximum data rate:1MB
Sensitivity: -89dbm@0.1%ber
LED status indicator
Input pwoer 5V from USB port;Operating channels:79 channels of 1MHz BW
Inner packing:
-Bluetooth USB Dongle x 1pc
-CD driver x 1pc

Software support
Windows 98.98se/me
Windows 2000
Windows xp"

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