Producer information
Company: KyeSystemsCorp. |
Address: 492 Chung Hsing Rd., Sec. 5, Sanchung City, Taipei Hsien |
Phone: +886-2-29956645 |
-Slim design for easy portability ¨Five easy touch buttons for fast Fax, Print / Copy, File / Fax, Text / OCR, and E-mail / Web ¨48-bit superior color with Color Enhanced Technology (CET) ¨Hassle-free locking mechanism prevents damages to scanner operation ¨Optical resolution 1,200 x 2,400 dpi, Interpolation up to 24,000 dpi -Fantastic software includes: NewSoft Presto! PageManager photo/image management software NewSoft ImageFolio image editing software Bridgewell Page abc web page design software includes free 8MB disk space NewSoft Mr. Photo web photo software ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Sprint OCR software for 176 languages C OCR n ( ) Supports Windows XP, Me, 2000, and 98 USB Connectivity for Real Plug and Play
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