1.8 GHz FME Connectors (nipple, nipple to Mini-UHF, TNC, BNC, N)
Coaxial cable assemblies (RG-174, 316, 178, 1788 ,58, 59, others) () () () () () () () ()
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7/16 Connectors, 50 Ohm, 0-7.5 GHz
Threaded interface connectors have characteristic impedance of 50ohm ()Excellent electrical properties up to 7.5 GHz ()Designed for low inter modulation ()VSWR applications in medium to high power tr
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Connectors for Semi-rigid Cables
Designed for direct solder attachment to RG402*U(.141) and RG405/U(.085) ()In flange/panel mount styles, and straight cable plug and jack versions ()Highly reliable cable assembly, suited for microwa