Bi-Convex Cylindrical Lenses
Bi-Convex Cylindrical LensesMaterial: BK7 or other optical materialsCenter Thickness:±0.2mm ~ ±0.03mmFocal Length Tolerance±2% ~ ±0.5%Surface Quality:60/40 ~ 10/5Surface Figure:λ/2 /632.8nm ~ λ/
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Bi-convex lenses
Bi-convex lenses are used as magnifiers, objectives, condensing systems. Since both surfaces contribute to the power of biconvex lenses, they have shorter focal length than PCX lenses of equal diamete
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Dove prism
Dove prism is a type of reflective prism which is used to invert an image. A beam of light entering one of the sloped faces of the prism undergoes total internal reflection from the inside of the long
Equilateral Prisms
Equilateral Prisms are used routinely as dispersing elements where spectral separation is required. They provide better brightness. They also have greater power handling capabilities and avoid possibl
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The range of filter products at LASER COMPONENTS comprises single and multi-bandpass filters, short and long-pass filters, beam splitters, attenuation filters, and band-stop filters. These filters cov
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Flat Mirrors
Flat Mirrors are Optical Mirrors designed for a variety of applications, including beam steering or folding, interferometry, or as optical components within imaging systems. Additionally, Flat Mirrors
Fresnel lenses
Fresnel lens can capture more oblique light from a light source, thus allowing the light from a lighthouse equipped with one to be visible over greater distances. Fresnel lenses were later produced, b
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LED prisms
LED prisms:The following are parameters:1.material: BK7,Fused Silica and other optical glass2. Wavelength:632.83. Focal length tolerance:±1%4. Diameter tolerance:+0.0/-0.1mm5.Centre thickness t
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Meniscus lenses
Meniscus lenses are convex-concave lenses. They have one outward curved face and one inward-curved face. If the outward curve is sharper than the inward curve, the lens has a positive focal length and