Address: 12-14, Morinomiya Chuo 2-Chome, Chuo-Ku, Osaka, Japan
Phone: +81-6-69470690
Japanese Flight High Socks Of Pressure Control
If you need abv item, how about sale-promote our goods at your country as our partners?The details are as folows...Size:22-25cm(for ladies) 25-27cm(for men)140D spandex yarn usedPresure: Calf/16hPa ankle/24hPaKnit changed: Front/back part of leg& also ankle part.Good for blood circulation & so nice against varix & economy-syndrome(to arise thrombus).Some air-line company use this socks.Minimum:500pairs per color,2,000pairs per shipt.(test order of small qnty is aceptable at 1st time)Type: Open-toe type is the most selable.Package: Simple package without brand.Sample order: Minimum 10 pairs to be sent by EMS at same price as bulk sea shpt, but as FOB,Sendable after sample/EMS charges recvd.
Included skin-care ingredient. Long lasting usage for face & body.Minimum 2,000pcs. (test order 500pcs ok).Skin-care: Moisture-keeping, whitening(surpress the melanin production), skin-hair-friendly,
Just now, we are looking for reliable agent to sell our folowingProducts(pure made in japan) in your country....1)wood-vinegar sap sheet for sole(foot bottom)(by absorbing needless sole water, heal yo
We just started to export Japanese exclusive bra. accessories= very strong but very light Plastic Bra-Wire.This item has also strongshape stability & repulsion force.We believe this item is just suita
The camisole is originaly underwear (inner shirt) , but now very often used as T-Shirts with Jacket showing neck widely with necklace. Also slimming is key words for ladies. By wave-knitted with spand
3-layers fabricPolyester 90% spandex 10%Warp-knitted,Width x length: Abt.157cm x around 30mMinimum:600m/color 2,000m/shpt/orderSuitable moulded items such as brassieres, etc.
Strong support by 140D spandex yarn & 40D Nylon yarn, leg knit changed. Shipable unbrand simple package. Minimum 350pairs per col,700pairs per shpt.Japanese size M, L & LLIt is expectable to assist to
For tightening & lifting-up the face line (chin & neck) for youthful smaller face beauty.Inclding botanical extract to keep moisture & to tighten the face, chin, neck.Supported by non-woven fabric.10s
If you need abv fabrics for bra. Underwears, we may be right source for you. We supply only made in japan.We alrdy trading with some international famous brand makers for monopoly item.Our shipment ex
It is important to use the nice & suitable fabric when making competitive/atrractive bra. Even though it is said that Japanese fabrics are expensive & not suitable, we believe some fabrics are still h