Protein Powder, Hemp Seed Protein Powder
Soyabean protein soybean flour soybean lecithin butter era cocoa butter Egg yolk phospholipid animal protein fatty acids animal fats and oilsLegume protein vegetable fat casein animal hydrolyzed prote
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Apperance: White crystalline powderColor: WhiteTaste: SweetSolubility: Readily solubleImpurity: No macroscopic extraneous impurityMelt point: 162-165. CPalatinitol( GPS and gmp) (dry) : 98% minD-sorbi
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Appearance white crysrallinepowderSubstance 98. 0% min. To99. 5%Specifi; rotation 84. 0 87. 5 86. 5Moisture 2. 0% max 0. 4%Ph of 10% aqucous solution 5-8 6. 5Methanol 0. 1% max. less than 0. 1%Arsenic
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Beer Materials A-Acetolactate Decarboxylase (Aldc)
Sell a-acetolactate decarboxylase (aldc) with highest enzyme acitivity among the suppliers in the world, in competive price. We are keen to cooperate wtih distributors and end users worldwide. Best ma
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Bergamot Oil
We supply bergamot oil (citrus aurantium L. subsp. Bergamia)
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Coriander Oil (Coriandrum Sativum L.)
Coriander oil (coriandrum sativum L.)Celery flower oil celery seed oil grapefruit oil expressed atractylis oilRose absolute rose concrete orris root concrete maple oilChrysanthemum hang zhou flower ex