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Industrial Equipment /  Spare Parts for Industrial Equipment /  Spare Parts for Industrial Equipment / 
Producer information
Vasanth Aptts, Block A,58A, Velachery Main Road,, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Chains Of All Descriptions For Conveyors

We can organise for you different types of chains for conveyors such as bagasse carrier chains, redler chains, stainless steel chains, link chains, chains for elevators etc.

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Other goods of this manufacturer :
Conveyor Equipments And Spares
We can organise supplies from India in different types of conveyors and related spares, heavy materials handling equipment spares and all items related to bulk mateials handling and heavy materials ha
An ayurvedic soap manufacturer offers good quality ayurvedic Bath soaps in different fragrances. Those interested may please contact us for dealership and exports.
Dehydrated Food
We offer from India the following dehydrated food items/groceries in polythene and cloth packing, reasonably priced and good quality.White & red onions choppedWhite onion mincedGarlick powder - premiu
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Extra virgin Coconut oil of high quality which will be a moisturiser, a cooking medium, a hair nourisher, baby oil etc., etc. made under cold processing of coconut. Also, oil of organic virgin quality
Fire Bricks Of All Varieties
We can offer you good quality fire bricks of all descriptions at best possible prices. Kindly contact us for your bulk requirements.
We can organise yr reqirments from India in Jasmine Absolte and other steam distilled prodcts in fragrances. Those interested, please contact
Metallurgical Coke
We can organise your requirements in metallurgical coke to suit your technical specifications through our associates in India. For your bulk requirements kindly contact us.
Microfibre Pillows & Bed Sheets
We can offer microfibre Pillows and Bed Sheets and Blankets from Gujarat, India. Kindly contact us for your requirements.
Self Examination Medical Equipments
We can offer you Glucometers, strips, HIV Test strips etc., of Taiwanese origin. Those interested may please contact us for further details and pricing.

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