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Qingdao Dacon Trading Co., Ltd
Room 423, 69, Guizhou Road Qingdao, Qingdao, Shandong, China (Mainland)

Silica Gel, Industrial Silica Gel, Column Chromatography Silica Gel

Silica gelWe can supply you the following silica gel:1) industrial silica gelA) fine-pored silica gelB) macro-pored silica gelC) silica gel type bD) silica gel desiccant for packingE) blue silica gelF) macro-pored microspherical silica gelG) silica-alumina gelH) silica gel fngI) silica gel type cJ) silica sand for pets2) silica gel used for preparation, analysis, medical and food additive purposeA) silica gel for thin-layer chromatographyB) silica gel for column-layer chromatographyC) activated silica gelD) silicic acidE) silica-gel-drying tabletF) silica gel for beer industryG) silica gel plateH) silica gel sachets:1g,2g,3g,5g,10g,20g,100g,500g,1000g3) column chromatography silica gelA) high performance and thin layer chromatography silica gelB) thin layer chromatography silica gel plate

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Sweetener Steviosides, Aspartame Sodium, Saccharine
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Valerian Root,
A.1. Valerian root, valerian extract2. Wolfberry3. Ginkgo biloba leaves4. Devil`s claw root5. Gentian root6. Andrographis leaves7. Angelica8. Codonopsis9. Eucommia bark and leaves10. Fo-Ti root11. Mag
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Wheat Grass Powder, Barley Green Powder, Alfalfa
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Wild Rose Granule
We can supply you with the following products from stock:Wild rose powderWild rose granule (tea bag cut)Echinacea granule (tea bag cut)Echinacea powderEchinacea extract
Agaricus, Cordyceps, Dried Mushroom
Mushroom and mycelium powder1) dried mushroom:A) agaricus blazei mushroomB) shiitake mushroomC) monkeyhead mushroomD) maitake mushroomE) coriolous versicolor (yunzhi)2) mycelium powder:A) cordyceps my
Calcium Gluconate, Copper Gluconate, Manganese Gluconate, Magnesium Glucona
We can supply you withcalcium gluconate,copper gluconate,manganese gluconate,Magnesium gluconate,Zinc gluconate,Ferrous gluconate,Potassium gluconate, etc.
Chitosan, Glucosamine & Chondroitin
We can supply you with the following products:Chitosan: D.A.C.85%, 90%, 92%Chitosan oligosaccharideChitinGlucosamine HClGlucosamine SulfateChondroitin SulphateCollagenHyaluronic acidSodium hyaluronate

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