Hong Kong Stationery is one of the oldest and most prominent stationery products manufacturer in Hong Kong, with production facilities in China and Indonesia.We can offer a wide range of filing products, particularly good at supplying:* PVC Lever Arch Files* PVC CarboardLever Arch Files* Marble Lever Arch Files* Paper Lever Arch Files* Laminated Paper Lever Arch Files*PVC Lockspring*Laminated Marble Lockspring* A4 wrapped over type suspension files* F4 wrapped over/clinched type suspension files* Paper wallet* Expanding wallet* Portable Expanding Wallet* writing pads* Paper Indexes and Dividers in various combination, e. G.1-5,1-10,1-31, Jan-Dec, A-Z with and without mylar reinforcement.The list is potentially endless, therefore please feel free to send us enquiries, provide us with the information of the product you are looking for and we will come up with an adequate solution for you promptly.
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