Producer information
Address: Sukanta Sarani, East Milanpally, Near Milansamity Club, Siliguri, West Bengal, India |
Phone: +91-353-2560422 |
We sell natural plants & extracts from North eastern himalayan /western bimalayan belt of india beside BHUTAN& NEPAL AS UNDER1. CASSIA ALATA tea cut pack2. Banaba Leaf extract with 1% corosolic acid3. Passiflora Leaf extract with 5% flavonoed4. Horse tail extract5. Bamboo Leaf extract6. Thalictram Foliolosum root Pilijari)7. Kutki ( Picrorhiza Kurora root)8. Boswelia serata Gum 60-70% Boswelic acid9. Gotukola extract 10-20%10. Gimnema Sylvestries exttract with 75% GIMNEMIC ACID11. Products a
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