Maize Flour / Corn Flour
Maize flour is high in nutrients and having an extended shelf-life. Corn flour or Maize flour also known as Makai Flour in India is made from dried corn which has been slaked.After the corn is soaked
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Rice Flour
Rice flour is primarily made from polished broken rice. Rice flour, sometimes called rice powder, is made from finely milled white raw rice and is used to make fresh rice noodles and sweets.Rice flour
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Soya Flour
Soya flour is made from whole soybeans that have been roasted and ground. Soyabean is a stable food of great nutritional value.Soyabean flour contains high protein and is usually mixed in with whole g
Wheat Flour
Wheat flour is high in nutrients. Because of its fiber properties, wheat flour is the first choice of the health conscious people.Wheat flour is obtained by milling wheat. There are various types of w
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Chana Coarse Flour
Chana Coarse flour is used to thicken for sweat dish, farsan, added to home made veggie burger patties.It is used in making many sweat items popular in all over India. It is also used in making delici
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Gram Flour / Besan Flour / Chana Flour
Besan flour is used in various foods such as making sweat dishes as well as in preparing instant mixes available in market. It is also known as Gram Flour or Chana Flour or Chickpea flour.Some known f
Handvo Flour / Dhokla Flour
Handvo Flour and Dhokla Flour are very famous Indian dishes specially in Gujarat. It is a well known gujarati dish.Handvo Flour and Dhokla Flour is made from mixing proportional quantity of Rice and D
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Idli Flour / Idli Ravo Flour
Idli Ravo flour is same as Idli Flour. But there are different in taste and texture. Using Idli Rava flour you can make delicious idli with crispy texture. This is also famous South Indian Recipes. Id
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Lapsi Fada Flour
Lapsi Fada is a grain made from wheat. It is made by grinding wheat with some special process in which it is grinded partly. Lapsi Fada is Sweet dish, the other type of lapsi is also known as kansar.