Address: Jl. Trengguli-welahan Km.1, Genting, Sedu, Demak, Demak, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Phone: +62-24-7464074
Deep Relief Carving
Deep relief carving from solid teak or any wood as required.Width 75 cm, length 150 cm, thickness 30 cmWe will carve any art work and undertake to the fine and highest standard.
Unique services of very high quality carving, in wood, marble, stone, or concrete. View illustration of the deep relief carving work to see the quality of the skilled workmanship. The wood relief carv
The wood relief carving can be for elaborate wall panels, fire surrounds, staircases, doors, family statues of ancestors, or large pictures to grace any wall, please see samples of the deep relief car
Inlay artMany designs available also designs or motifs of your company would be produced in numbers as ordered minimum 500 pieces, can mix order 5 models, for furniture makers or any application.
Inlay artMany designs available also designs or motifs of your company would be produced in numbers as ordered minimum 500 pieces, can mix order 5 models, for furniture makers or any application.
Shelf DisplayThis product is designed to enhance the minimalist desire for plain open designs. We have many other designs available or if you wish your own designs produced in numbers we will be glad
We make many different kinds of stone statues, fountain, lamp tern, pots, pillars, relief, etc. Designed or motive can follow as requested. Material can be from wood or as requested. We are able to pr
The concrete carving is ideal for hotel foyers or government buildings or even for the entrance to exclusive high class residential developments. This work can be in made at our factory in panels then
The carvings we produce are very impressive, carved panels can be attached to houses, apartments, convention centers, condos, hotel walls, etc. Normally use natural motive for the carving, but obvious