Features:1) Production range: 10-30kW2) Quiet: operates quietly inside your home or offices and there are no noisyoutside units to disturb you and your neighbors3) Energy saving: can decrease your home or business heating costs bybetween 50 and 70 percent or more, and cooling costs by 20 to 30 percent4) Environmentally friendly: the ground source heat pump works with naturalwater so there are no odors or dangerous fumes in your home or office, nogas or oil fire hazards, and no chimneys or outdoor venting5) This ground source system is recommended as the cleanest and most efficientheating and cooling system available today
Features:1) This unit is perfect integration with air conditioner and heat pump water heater2) This kind of unit can supply for 50-60 centigrade living hot-water with as well as beable to provide cool
Features:1) This unit is perfect integration with air cooled chiller and heat pump water heater2) This kind of unit can supply for 50-60 centigrade living hot-water with the exceptionthat be able to p
Features:1) Models: LSQ13R-LSQ25R, LSQ31R2-LSQ66R22) Cooling capacity: from 13KW to 66KW3) Options: cooling only, cooling and heating4) Refrigerant: R22, R407C5) Working conditions: T1, T36) Power sup
Features:1) Models: LSQ10R1 LSQ13R1 LSQ15R12) Power supply: 10R1 220-240V1/ 50Hz or 60Hz, 13R1 15R1 380V/3/50Hz or 60Hz3) Refrigerant: R22, R4074) Cooling and heating5) Cooling only or heating only6)
Specification:1) Models: LSQ20R2, LSQ25R2, LSQ31R22) Cooling capacity: 20, 25, 31KW3) Power supply: 380V/3/50Hz or 60Hz4) Refrigerant: R22, R407Feature:1) Small compact design makes all the models sui
Features:1) Models: LSQ13R-LSQ25R, LSQ31R2-LSQ66R22) Cooling capacity: from 13KW to 66KW3) Options: cooling only, cooling and heating4) Refrigerant: R22, R407C5) Working conditions: T1, T36) Power sup
Specification:1) Models: LSQ20R2, LSQ25R2, LSQ31R22) Cooling capacity: 20, 25, 31KW3) Power supply: 380V/3/50Hz or 60Hz4) Refrigerant: R22, R407Feature:1) Small compact design makes all the models sui
Features:1) Models: LSQ10R1 LSQ13R1 LSQ15R12) Power supply: 10R1 220-240V1/ 50Hz or 60Hz, 13R1 15R1 380V/3/50Hzor 60Hz3) Refrigerant: R22, R4074) Cooling and heating5) Cooling only or heating only6) S
Features:1) It is the integration of air cooled chiller (heat pump) and gas boiler which characterized by cooling, heating and hot living water2) In summer: cooling is supplied by the air cooled chill
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