Multi-Layer Sand Filters
Features:1) Used for pre-treatment of ground water, well water, spring water and drinkingwater2) Magnetization water treatment implement; soft water implement3) Material:a) Permanent magnetic material (to improve hardness of water quality byeliminating minerals such as Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn. It is widely used in alltypesof boiler, central air conditioner, condensers and water tanks to eliminateandprevent dirt. It is also used in swimming pools, landscape water and tapwaterto eliminate rust.)b) JD filtration material (to eliminate minerals such as Fe, Mn, Ca and Mg,completely replacing ion exchange and become latest soft water purifiesequipment)4) Filtration of eliminating Fe and Mn5) The main equipment of the tank is made of voluble molding of glass fiber reinforcedplastics, with filtration material inside such as quartz sand and manganese sand,itcan eliminate Fe and Mn of the waterPacking: carton
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