Producer information
Address: 3f., No.71, Jhou-zih St., Nei-hu District,, Taipei, TW, Taiwan |
Phone: +886-2-66065678 |
Smart VOIP Skype Disk
Product features -1.) VoIP-SKYPE/Game/My Maid/Media/My Favorites/Web site auto login.2.) Smart Skype Virtual Voice Assistance "AI-SKY" software, High PHONETIC RECOGNITION technology3.) Almost 100% interactive dialing and Skype/SkypeOut ORALLY, no need to dail the complicate no. by using a keyboard or mouse.4.) FREE VOICE MAIL on AI-SKY, won`t lose any important message.5.) Coming call notice from PC.6.) LIFETIME RMA service, latest AI-Sky version update from internet automatically.7.) 1GB Flash memory available.8.) Free to make Skype phone calls with VoIP disk on any PC even that is without Skype application.
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